RoSE Project
One of the RoSE objectives is the development of a
testbed for the experimentation of IPVT-based services.
The implementation of the general architecture depicted
in figure 1 of the
general description section has been implemented in our project
in the way showed in the below figure 4.
Figure 4: Realization of RoSE testbed
In particular, respect to the RoSE diagram
on the Ubuntu Laptop of the previous picture has been installed the:
- ReMux
- AvStreamer
- Rtp server
In order to simulate the generic behavior of a network we used a
Linux Bridge, that introduces some typical errors and problems of a
real network:
- delay among packets
- packet lost
- packet replication
- packet reordering
Two clients with different hardware are been connected to the RoSE server on two different channels, one by a classic Ethernet cable
(iMedia desktop) and the other by a wireless connection (mobile handheld). On both of this clients are been installed the remaining RoSE elements
- PostMux
- Media Stream Analyser
In the next image you can see the real implementation of the testbed just described.
Fig. 5: Actual system in operation
[Released Software]